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IGTV: how to take advantage of Instagram's latest addition

Since Instagram launched IGTV last week I've been asked by a number of clients how this new functionality is different from Stories, how they can use it most effectively for their business and most importantly, what content is going to perform best on this new platform?


Firstly, if you're out the social media loop - IGTV is a long-form video content tool, allowing users to upload up to 1-hour long videos to the Instagram platform.

The first issue we need to talk about is formatting. IGTV is portrait (much like Stories and how we naturally hold our phones), as opposed to the more traditional landscape format used on the mothership of video platforms - YouTube. For us, this isn't a major issue as we always recommend creating 'native content' for every platform. This may be a 1-min video based on a blog post you've written, or an expansive visual blog post after an event you cover in Instagram Live - it's all about formatting your content to it is relevant to the audience you are reaching through each individual platform - be it social media, your website or offline.

Second point of difference between Instagram Stories and IGTV is that you can't film or edit content within the Instagram app, only add video content direct from your own files (although we have a sneaky feeling this functionality is coming...).

You can however add links and other info to your videos that viewers can see by tapping on the title, so ensure you add a 'call to action' to any video content you upload - be it a link back to your site, or adding in a special offer code to this section. There needs to be a point at which you ask something of the viewer, it might be simply for their feedback, or you may be asking them to click-through somewhere and ultimately buy from you. Without signposting viewers on to the next 'step' you are missing out on the engagement your video has built.

Here are a few quick ideas of content that lends itself to the new IGTV platform:

  • Product demos - talk throughs of a product's functionality and usage.

  • How to guides - practical step-by-step videos that demonstrate your expert knowledge, or skill-set.

  • Conversations with... chatty style sofa interviews between experts, brand founders or 'guest' interviewees. Great for talking about 'hot topics' or sharing industry knowledge.

  • Styling guides - fashion and beauty style videos are huge for building audiences.

A great way to start is to just get familiar and comfortable with the IGTV format and functionality, watch other brand's videos and see what content is working. Why not ask your current Instagram audience what they'd like to see from you?

If you still need some 1-2-1 help working out a 360 Instagram strategy for your feed, Stories and the new IGTV platform, drop us a line.


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